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Apr 16, 2009

奈米化離子全鉑金水晶面膜 Nano 24K Gold Crystal Collagen Gel Masque

吸收率高達98% 法國醫學美容中心臨床實驗報告100%貼近皮膚,是一般面膜3倍!

適用膚質 敏感性肌膚、受損、乾燥、油性、黯沉、老化、雷射後肌膚最佳。

主要成分 超微粒化鉑金(2奈米-100萬分之2釐米)、純植物膠原蛋白、保濕因子、尿囊素、維 C胎盤素提取液、植物血清蛋白、熊果苷、銀杏萃取液、 金縷梅萃取液、蘆薈萃取液、人參萃取液、金銀花萃取液、洋甘菊萃取液、小黃瓜萃取液及玫瑰、茉莉、薰衣草精油等純天然活性成分。不添加任何防腐劑、香料、色素、不含重金屬成份。

主要功效: 強效抗氧化、抗老化,長效保持肌膚水分;對肌膚暗沈、暗瘡、油性、乾燥、老化、受損等均有良好修復作用。

使用方法: 潔面後將面膜置於溫水(水溫不超過50攝氏度 )中浸泡3~5秒, 然後立即打開使用,使面膜與皮膚完全密合。每週1~2次,每次30分鐘。

鉑金作為稀有金屬,加工成奈米級別顆粒後具有很強的催化氧化功能,因此國際頂級化妝品牌開始將其應用到面膜上,可以起到強效抗氧化、抗衰老的作用。 金奈米所帶的負電位,可吸附肌膚的水分,強效鎖水,讓肌膚長久保持滋潤;並釋放出高濃度負氧離子,深層導入皮膚,清除污垢、角質細胞和化妝品殘餘,改善缺 水, 促進血液循環,並對皮膚進行殺菌消炎,從而使你的皮膚逐漸更細嫩、年輕;所含的膠原蛋白、 植物精華素等,進一步讓你的肌膚遠離衰老、暗沈、乾燥、色 斑、鬆弛。

100% 原装台湾进口!

Nano 24K Gold Crystal Collagen Gel Masque

Suitable Symptom:

Suitable for any skin, especially for dryness, aging, sensitivity, yellowish, pigmentation, sun burned and damaged skin will be better.


Natural botanical collagen, allantoid, seaweed amylase, moisturizing gene, 29 microelements, rose essential oil and various kind of natural character elements.


Imitate human skin microelement crystal face mask, it can infiltrate strongly, can provide nutrition to skin of metabolism, can remove the harmful substance from the deep skin and stimulate cell reproduction ability, make the skin whitening, prevent allergy, diminish inflammation, antibacterial and be more elastic. It can effectively improve roughness, blackish, yellowish and other problem and rehab the skin damage which cause by laser or whiten.


In summer, apply the mask on the face directly, but in winter, please dip the mask in warm water at a temperature of 50’C for 3-5 seconds before use. Then take the mask out from the pack immediately and apply it on the skin (cleaned), let the mask cling to the skin completely. Use the mask on twice per week. For the first time the recommended way is to remove the mask from face after 30 minutes. If there is not uncomfortable response you use it for 2-5 hours more.


It is or external use only. Strictly forbidden to store in a temperature below 0’C or heat it in temperature above 50’C.

Net Weight: 65ml